Landscape Renovation and Maintenance
West Orange, NJ
Landscaping by:
Sponzilli Landscape Group

Project Description:
We renovated the entire landscaping at this West Orange home over several years. The result is a colorful display of evergreen and perennial plantings.
Combining mature blue spruces and Japanese maple trees with new plantings we were able to achieve a balance of small, medium, and large materials which create depth and fullness to the home. Each season the plant material will offer variety of color and interest.
Landscape lighting was installed to enjoy the landscape at night. A sprinkler system was installed to water the plants and lawn regularly. We also provide landscape maintenance for this property.
Plant Material Used: Blue Spruce, Japanese Maple, Crape Myrtle, Boxwood, Skip Laurel, Cherry Laurel, Catmint, Salvia, Knockout Rose, Drift Rose, Sedge Grass, Karl Forester Grass, Sedum, Columnar Norway Spruce