Sponzilli Landscape Group
World Trade Center – Liberty Park Green Wall
A Featured Project on Greenroofs.com!

In the world of Urban Landscaping there are a few landmark Green Wall projects that really stand apart….and one of them is certainly the Liberty Park Green Wall at the World Trade Center in downtown Manhattan. This massive wall stretches over 336 feet long and 25 feet high as it dutifully takes its place among the largest Green Walls in the world. Recently Sponzilli Landscape Group was honored within the Featured Project of Greenroofs.com.
Sponzilli is the leading installer of dozens of monumental green roofs and green walls throughout New York City including, the TIAA-Cref Pocket Park, Barclays Center in Brooklyn, Hotel 1 on Central Park…the Liberty Park Green Wall and many other award-winning projects.
“This is our city… and I’m very proud that our work is in virtually every neighborhood, in all 5 boroughs…from NYU to Yankee Stadium…Sponzilli Landscape’s signature projects are present all over town. We have had the great privilege of working with and for the greatest developers in the history of New York. …it feels good. One of New York’s most important landmarks is the World Trade Center 911 Memorial and Liberty Park, so to be part of something as significant as the Living Wall is a great honor”, said Daniel Sponzilli, CEO of Sponzilli Landscape Group.