Well Designed Outdoor Spaces Offer Big Dividends to Urban Businesses

The trend for more functional and accessible urban outdoor spaces continues to grow. Businesses are reaping the benefits in improved employee productivity, stress reduction, and a greater sense of customer and visitor satisfaction. Companies are finding that well designed outdoor spaces offer big dividends to urban businesses.

Urban Landscape Design

5 Urban Landscape Design Trends Growing in Popularity

Here is a look at the top 5 growing urban landscape design trends businesses are going green over. Plants are amazing! They are beautiful and calming as they absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.  As more businesses are discovering the benefits of providing outdoor spaces, several different urban landscaping ideas have emerged and have grown … Read more

Beneficial Impact of Urban Landscaping

Urban areas are expanding today faster than before! Not only are they bustling with businesses, but also with millennials and increasingly, families too. With such a diverse and growing dynamic, many ideas also flourish in urban spaces.  Such ideas include the need to create green spaces for busy eyes and stressed minds within the concrete jungles of … Read more

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