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Wildlife Resistant Plants and Landscaping

A beautiful lawn improves your home’s curb appeal and your quality of life. Landscaping that includes your favorite flowers and trees will lift your spirits. It personalizes your yard, and by extension, your home, to your personality and unique tastes. The challenge, however, is to include both those plants that bring you joy and that … Read more

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Landscaping: Expectations vs. Reality

At Sponzilli Landscape Group, our team works with homeowners to make sure they understand how their landscaping design expectations are shaped by a number of factors. The property’s orientation to the sun, the home’s ground slope and drainage patterns, the local climate, the home’s soil conditions, how many shade trees are present on-site and even … Read more

New Landscaping at Vail Mansion

The Residence at Vail Mansion

Sponzilli Landscape Group recently completed work for The Residence at Vail Mansion, located in Morristown, NJ, which boasts “a fairy-tale lifestyle available to a select few”. The Vail Mansion, built over a century ago, was commissioned with the idea of creating an Italian Renaissance

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